Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad Branch
Professor, Department of Private Law, university of judicial sciences.
In accordance with the Law on Landlord and Tenant Relations approved in 1997, when the lease term expires, the tenant receives the goodwill right to discharge and the landlord is required to pay the goodwill. But the law does not explicitly specify which of these assignments is prior to the other. The prioritization of goodwill towards discharging is a problem that will affect the tenant's capital to sustain the acquisition of a new location. There is a controversy among lawyers in response to the question. According to some property evacuation is subject to a goodwill replacement, while another group considers the need to discharge before receiving this amount. In this descriptive and interpretive article, in addition to explaining various views on the issue in Iranian law, it is attempted to explain the idea that goodwill is preceded by eviction and is ultimately strengthened by the study of Islamic and French law. This will help resolving the ambiguity that the courts are facing with in this regard.
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javanmard, L., & Rahpeik, S. (2021). Priority of Tenant's Goodwill over Eviction in Iranian, Islamic and French Law. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 8(3), 33-64. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2021.4741.1643
leila javanmard; Siamak Rahpeik. "Priority of Tenant's Goodwill over Eviction in Iranian, Islamic and French Law". Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 8, 3, 2021, 33-64. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2021.4741.1643
javanmard, L., Rahpeik, S. (2021). 'Priority of Tenant's Goodwill over Eviction in Iranian, Islamic and French Law', Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 8(3), pp. 33-64. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2021.4741.1643
javanmard, L., Rahpeik, S. Priority of Tenant's Goodwill over Eviction in Iranian, Islamic and French Law. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 2021; 8(3): 33-64. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2021.4741.1643
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