It is well agreed that "profitability" is a driving force behind all progress. Yet, there are two sides to the coin: (1) increasing competition affects trade competition, quality, transparency, the environment and society in general, and (2) jeopardizes the peaceful coexistence of business and society. Social responsibility holds “give back what you got from people.” In the new social responsibility, society is not only one of the stakeholders but also the main goal. The concept of social responsibility has been emphasized in verses of the Holy Quran and various narrations. In the present study, this issue has been studied in the jurisprudence and practice of transnational companies with a descriptive-analytical method. The study investigates the scope of social responsibility reflected in the regulations approved by the Iranian Oil Industry in 2019 and its regional and thematic scope in accordance with the practice of international transnational companies in the field of responsibility to see if it is social and if the wide range of issues, from health to road construction, etc. are valid only for the territory of Iran. What has been introduced in Iran under social responsibility is that the oil industry is different from the concept, procedure and practical approach of other countries.
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mofidian, S. (2022). Compliance of the Iranian Oil Industry 2019-Social Responsibility Code with the Jurisprudence and Conventional System of Multinational Companies. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 9(3), 287-320. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.7951.2239
sharareh mofidian. "Compliance of the Iranian Oil Industry 2019-Social Responsibility Code with the Jurisprudence and Conventional System of Multinational Companies". Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 9, 3, 2022, 287-320. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.7951.2239
mofidian, S. (2022). 'Compliance of the Iranian Oil Industry 2019-Social Responsibility Code with the Jurisprudence and Conventional System of Multinational Companies', Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 9(3), pp. 287-320. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.7951.2239
mofidian, S. Compliance of the Iranian Oil Industry 2019-Social Responsibility Code with the Jurisprudence and Conventional System of Multinational Companies. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 2022; 9(3): 287-320. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.7951.2239
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