Associate Professor of the Research Institute of the Hawzah and University.
The right to life is the leading natural human right which is respected in all legal systems. It is preliminary to the many rights which are basic to the human being and there are tight restrictions on the circumstances one might be deprived of it. Recruiting an analytical-critical approach, the present study is aimed at examining human rights documents to determine (a) the extent to which the right is cherished, (b) how "death penalty and abortion" is viewed, and finally (c) whether the documents adopt a consistent stance on the circumstances which lead to the deprivation of the right. Findings suggest that despite the highly restricting approach on death penalty, abortion is legally and rather generously accredited. Finally, it is maintained, such a paradoxical stance on the right to life- emanating from the liberal and feminist views- is in obvious opposition to both religious values and human rights standards.
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javan arasteh, H. (2023). Prohibition of Death Penalty and Legitimacy of Abortion; An Unjust and Contradictory Approach to the Right To Life. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 9(4), 65-86. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.8462.2306
hosein javan arasteh. "Prohibition of Death Penalty and Legitimacy of Abortion; An Unjust and Contradictory Approach to the Right To Life". Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 9, 4, 2023, 65-86. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.8462.2306
javan arasteh, H. (2023). 'Prohibition of Death Penalty and Legitimacy of Abortion; An Unjust and Contradictory Approach to the Right To Life', Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 9(4), pp. 65-86. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.8462.2306
javan arasteh, H. Prohibition of Death Penalty and Legitimacy of Abortion; An Unjust and Contradictory Approach to the Right To Life. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 2023; 9(4): 65-86. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2022.8462.2306
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