The right of women to be represented in the legislature and the mechanisms for strengthening it in various legal systems; With emphasis on the Iranian legal system

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom .

2 P.H.D student of Public Law, University of Tehran.

3 P.H.D student of Public Law, , Faculty of Law, University of Qom.



Over time, the issue of women's political participation, and in particular the issue of women's representation in the legislature, has become increasingly important. This issue indicates the level of political development of countries and ensuring equality between men and women in terms of the right to self-determination. The question addressed in this article is how and by what measures can women's political participation and their attainment of the right to representation or the so-called right to be elected be promoted in Iran? Accordingly, in this research, in a descriptive and analytical manner, we have studied the issue in different legal systems and the solutions presented in them and then the status of women's representation in different periods of the legislature before and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. The results of the research show that the establishment of a positive discrimination policy in favor of women will be the beginning of paving the way for improving their level of political activity. In addition, choosing an appropriate electoral system for women to enter parliament, the number of seats reserved, and the measures taken by political parties around the world can be useful ways to increase this participation, as has been used and effective in many countries.


Main Subjects

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