Trolley Problem; Comparative Study of Islamic Jurisprudence and American Law

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Women and Family Research Institute,


Can the lives of innocent people be used as a means to save more people? Can we kidnap a person to prevent child abuse? In general, does the end justify the means in these cases? In the academic space, these questions have been explored under the title ‘Trolley Problem’ and numerous answers have been given by researchers so far. In this article, the author attempts to solve the trolley problem based on the principles accepted by Imamieh jurists; however, given the existence of detailed literature on this topic in American law, the discussion will be presented as a comparative analysis with American law. In short, Imamieh jurists, as well as American lawyers, believe that the end justifies the means and that the lives of some can be sacrificed to save a larger population. To prove this claim, in Islamic jurisprudence, the author focuses on the issues of interference, specifically the rule of ‘repelling the most corruption with corruptionist’. as in American law, the discussion also will focus on the rule of ‘lesser evil’.


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