Comparative Study of the Theory of Self-Help Remedy in Reciprocal Obligation in Iranian and English Legal Systems and International instruments

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 PhD Student in Private Law, Department of Law, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Private law, Imam Khomeini International University.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Private law, Imam Khomeini International University.


In this article, the theory of self-help remedy has been studied as a remedy for breach of obligations in reciprocal contracts in Iranian and English legal systems and some international instruments. In English legal system and some international instruments such as Principles of European Contract law (PECL) and UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, lien and price reduction has been recognized as examples of self-help remedy in reciprocal contracts. In Iranian legal system, although self-help remedy has not been recognized as a general rule for breaching contractual obligations, but the lien has been recognized as particular rule, which is one of the examples of self-help remedy in the other systems. Although, there is some disagreement among legal scholars about the scope of the lien as a general rule or an exceptional rule which is related to contract of sale particularly, it seems that the effects and ruling of the self-help remedy theory in Iranian legal system can be justified and accepted by the rule of Taghas in Islamic jurisprudence.


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