The principle of "Prohibition of resorting to force" for maintaining and strengthening world peace, is the pivotal element in the international system based on the UN Charter. Following to prohibition of war and repetition of this rule in numerous international documents, the issue of propaganda prohibition for aggressive war was raised also in international law. With the occurrence of various international and domestic conflicts after the cold war especially in the West Asia and North Africa regions, the subject of propaganda for war has become more important. In this article, the propaganda prohibition of resorting to force in the system of sources of international law has been investigated and this prohibition especially with attention to affirmation of some treaties is clear and on this basis, governments shall not do this with the use of various tools including the media. Also in Islamic perspective, this subject in Quran and Sunnah has been evaluated. in this part, in addition to numerous Quranic and Hadith evidences, from the general principles that comprehended from these sources is used that also is necessity of the originality of peace and prohibition of beginning to war, prohibition of any propaganda for an aggressive war. Prophetic Method and Imam Ali's behavior in beginning to wars, is an important backing for this comprehension and is distinctive point and the positive approach of Islam in this realm.
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ghasemi, G., & maleki, M. (2016). Legal Position of Propaganda In Use of Force against Governments; With Emphasis on Islamic Approach. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 3(2), 147-178. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2017.1736.1151
gholamali ghasemi; moslem maleki. "Legal Position of Propaganda In Use of Force against Governments; With Emphasis on Islamic Approach". Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 3, 2, 2016, 147-178. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2017.1736.1151
ghasemi, G., maleki, M. (2016). 'Legal Position of Propaganda In Use of Force against Governments; With Emphasis on Islamic Approach', Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 3(2), pp. 147-178. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2017.1736.1151
ghasemi, G., maleki, M. Legal Position of Propaganda In Use of Force against Governments; With Emphasis on Islamic Approach. Comparative Studies on Islamic and Western Law, 2016; 3(2): 147-178. doi: 10.22091/csiw.2017.1736.1151
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