The Right to Self-Determination in Islam and Current International law

Document Type : Academicm and Research



One of the basic principles of contemporary international law is the principle of self-determination on the basis of witch all persons and states can administrate and lead their own affairs in different fields of political, economic and social . Today, the conceptual scopes of this right has developed and strengthened regarding to issues such as democracy, human rights and violation and aggression to it propose the international responsibility of states. One of the questions in Islamic law is that whether the  right to self-determination, is recognized for human beings or that his fate is predetermined . Article 56 of the constitution of Islamic republic of Iran in this respect provides that: “Absolute sovereignty over the world and man belongs to God, and it is He Who has made man master of his own social destiny. No one can deprive man of this divine right, nor subordinate it to the vested interests of a particular individual or group. This principle suggests that according to Islam, sovereignty belongs to God, but "the rule of man" and his right to determine its fate may provide grounds for the Islamic sovereignty. So, Islam with its special method recognizes this principle.


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