Author Guidelines
1) Online Submissions
Our selection of articles depends on the quality, breadth, and originality of the theme(s) covered and their bearing on the focus of the journal. We do not accept manuscripts published elsewhere.
Only two files should be submitted. Submit the manuscript without the authors' names, affiliations, and biographies. Along with it, submit a cover page that includes the manuscript title, authors' names and affiliations, and the corresponding author's name and contact information (full postal and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers). The maximum number of pages should not exceed 20, including footnotes. Only one submission by an author will be considered at a time.
Learn about the publication process and how to submit your manuscript. If you have not registered yet, please click on: Register. After successfully registering, you should have a username and password. If you already have a username and password, please Login.
2) Font
All spellings must be rendered in American English. To change British or Commonwealth spellings to their American equivalents, please see the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. To distinguish the different parts of the manuscript, use the following fonts for each part:
Duties of Authors
1- The method of conducting the research must be systematic and based on knowledge. The article must be prepared according to the standard formatting of the journal. The author(s) is required to conduct the research objectively and carefully. Associated data should be represented accurately. To ensure other people’s rights, authors must ensure that every outside source is given proper citation. Authors must have bias-free language and avoid unethical, sensitive, and controversial issues in fields such as race and religion. The journal does not tolerate intentional misrepresentation of research data; In addition, submitting a translated version of a published paper without mentioning it in the title is not accepted.
2- Authors may be asked to provide the raw data in connection with their research if necessary.
Supporting data such as raw data, interviews, questionnaires and other tools used in the research must be made available if necessary. Authors should be prepared to provide public access to such data (consistent with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases) that may help improve the article.
3- Originality and Plagiarism
The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
4- Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication
An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
5- Proper Citation and referencing
Authors must provide full citations of books, articles in journals, websites, and other Resources in their reference list.
Carefully considering the list and order of authors and the corresponding author and avoiding any other irrelevant names
A corresponding (responsible) author is the individual who, when working on a paper with multiple authors, takes primary responsibility for providing the intellectual input, planning and formally performing the article. The name of other authors must be mentioned as corporate authors. any other irrelevant names are to be avoided.
Authors must upload the following mandatory files
1- Main text file (Manuscript without author identifiers)
2- Conflict of interest declaration and author agreement statement file
(Sending the manuscript for peer reviewing is only possible after uploading the above-mentioned file and providing the correct information on the website)
Inform about the possible dangers to humans or other living organisms
Where a study result impacts human health or other organisms, this should be stated within the manuscript with a full explanation.
Mention financial support
Authors must declare the names of all persons or organizations, which sponsor their article.
Reporting major errors in articles
have they noticed any errors (or have been informed of) in their article, authors are expected to request for withdrawal, correct the errors, or inform us. Corrections are made at the journal’s discretion.
Guidelines for Article Submission
1- The text of the submitted articles should be in Persian.
2- The Submitted articles should not be previously published elsewhere, totally or partly. Authors may not submit their manuscript elsewhere while it is under consideration.
3- Submitted articles must be research articles, documented, and based on research criteria.
4- The length of Original Articles should ideally not exceed 25 printed pages (No more than 7500 words are allowed, with a minimum number of 6000 words).
5- Use A4 paper size with appropriate line spacing and Microsoft Word format. Please use Bzar13 font. The Word file of the manuscript should be sent to the provided email address of the journal.
6- Authors are required to provide a complete list of their names and details on the journal website. Please Note that you have to prepare your files so that any identifying details (author names, affiliations, etc.) are in a separate part as directed by the Guide for Authors on the website. Additionally, be sure your file names do not reveal any author names.
7- It is recommended that Authors’ names with a rank lower than assistant professor be attached to titles of assistant professor or higher. Otherwise, for authors who rank lower than assistant professors, there is no possibility to submit the articles alone.
8- articles must include the following: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, discussion, conclusion, and references page.
9- It is necessary to add the Latin equivalent of nouns and abandoned terms, beside the phrase and in parentheses.
10- For in-text citations please provide author’s last name, year of publication, volume, and page number in parenthesis.
11- Please note that we only accept and publish articles written in the field of comparative Islamic law and Western law.
12- The Journal reserves the right to accept, reject, or edit the articles. Please note that manuscripts will not be returned upon the request of the authors.
13- submitted manuscripts will be reviewed and published with an authorization from the editor-in-chief.
14- authors should take responsibility for the content of the articles and the accuracy of the article databases and findings.
Sectioning and Structure:
To facilitate the evaluation, preparation, and publication of future issues, follow this order when typing manuscripts:
a) Title of the article: The subject matter should be Concise and informative.
b) Author names and affiliations: Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and last name(s) of each author and university, funding body, or research institution the authors are affiliated.
c) Abstract: abstract should be between 100 and 250 words. A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions.
d) Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
e) Introduction: the research aims and purposes are stated in the introduction. draw on relevant literature in the field and clearly indicate its connections to the subject matter.
f) The main body(discussion):
1- where the writer presents the central idea in greater detail. It should be divided into paragraphs, each of which begins with a topic sentence and then supports that point with specific ideas and evidence.
2- Include Headings and, if necessary, subheadings to organize the content
3- To keep the consistency of your research manuscript, please include the appropriate use of headings and subheadings for related subjects.
4- When you quote directly from a source, enclose the quoted section in double quotation marks. Indirect quotations should not be enclosed in quotation marks.
5- Correctly cite the original author when quoting a text.
6- It must be noted that this journal uses an in-text citation style as follows: besides the direct or indirect quoted text and in parentheses (author’s last name, year of publication, volume number, and page number).
If the authors of multiple references share the same last name but have different initials, include the authors' first names, too.
to cite articles with the same authors and the same year, add a lowercase letter immediately after the year of publication.
to cite multiple works by the same author that appear in a compilation, perform the following order:
(author’s last name, year of publication of the first source, page number/year of publication of the second source, page number).
to cite multiple works by different authors that appear in a compilation, perform the following order:
(author’s last name, year of publication, page number/ author’s last name, year of publication, page number)
If a publication has more than three authors, give only the name of the first author followed by "et al.".
g) Conclusion: should average between 100–200 words, including a brief explanation of the significance and implications of the work reported.
h) Reference: the detailed list of references (books, articles, …) cited in authors’ work.
Formatting the Reference List
The Journal uses the style of the APA to conform to international styles. The references section should be located following the acknowledgments at the end of the text. Complete information should be given for each reference. The accuracy and completeness of the references are the responsibility of the author(s). References to personal letters (e-mail communications), papers presented at meetings, and other unpublished works (papers in preparation) may be cited. If such work may be of help in the evaluation of the manuscript, copies should be made available to the editor(s). The author(s) must submit a letter of permission from the cited persons to cite e-mail communications. The corresponding authors and references should be set out in the style of the APA, and only the first word of a cited title should be written in an initial capital letter. Journal names should not be abbreviated and should be given in italics.
The reference list should appear at the end of the paper (in Persian, Arabic, and Latin respectively) and in alphabetical order (author’s last name), without any distinctions between books, articles, etc. It must begin on a new page separate from the text of the article as follows:
Reference to a book
Author’s last name, Name; Year of publication, Title; Translator(s)/Editor(s); Edition, place of publication: The publisher's name.
Reference to an article
Author’s last name, Name; Year of publication, “Title of the article”, Journal title, and Volume of the journal.
Reference to a thesis
Author’s last name, Name; Year, “Title”; Level of Thesis, supervisor professor, field of study, faculty, University.
Reference to electronic databases
Author’s last name, Name; “Title”, electronic retrieval information.
Unknown sources
Cite an organizational author if a source is missing a named author. If there is no suitable organizational author either, use the source title instead.
Use the abbreviation “n.d.” if a source has no year of publication.
If the source you are referencing is missing a publisher or place of publication, use the words '[no publisher]' or '[no place]' in your Reference list.
Required files to be uploaded: Five essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript (without the names of the authors), 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file), and 5. Cover letter.