The Effect of Distinction between Modern Law and Traditional Law on Legal Methodology

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Qom university


Traditionalism and Modernism take different approaches with regard to ontology, epistemology and anthropology. This writing considers the relation between these two and answers the question that which process followed by the modern methodology and what was its effect on modern legal methodology and do these influences affect the nature of modern law and the Islamic traditional law? The outcome of this investigation considers Modernism as replacing ontology by epistemology, that represents itself in research and renders the paradigm of physics-based into other sciences. Modern law presents itself as positive-method science. The positive-method science forms formal and objective law. In addition, positive-method science shapes differentiated and secular law. On the other hand, traditional law accepts metaphysics and considers the method as discoverer, not creator. In this approach, Hojiat or integrity of certainty legitimates Islamic methodology that makes it a unified-nonobjective science, under theology and obliged in religious and moral matters.


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