Industrial application requirement in patent law (comparative study)

Document Type : Academicm and Research



The Subjects that have special industrial application, are capable for registering as invention. Industrial application means that the invention is applicable in specific field of economic activities. This requirement is necessary for the economic, ethnic and jurisprudential grounds. Study on the existing procedure in Patent and trademark office in the United States, Europe and Japan, indicates that this requirement would be established when applicant can show a specific usage for the inv171ention. In Iranian law there is no special document as to the concept or form of assessment of this requirement. But because of the difficulty of obtaining this requirement on the basis of technical criteria, it could be recommended that secondary criteria be used for assessment of industrial application requirement. This article, at first tried to make clear the concept and economic and moral and jurisprudential foundations of the requirement, and then would study the   method of assessment of it in the famous patent offices, ie. USPTO and EPO and JPO and finally after studying of the position of Iranian law, Proper suggestions are offered.


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