The Legal Stance of Environment in the Protection-based Islamic Attitudes and the Totalitarian Attitudes of the West

Document Type : Academicm and Research



Rooted in the Renaissance, a domination-based look at the nature was an approach taken by many Western intellectuals. Central idea to this approach was the elimination of god from the environment to rely on the fundamentals of humanism. Authors such as Freud and Nietzsche noted this approach. Some others like Linwhait came to the conclusion that the religious ideas are the sources of environmental degradation, while Jews and Christians opposed this anthropocentric approach. Contrary to this approach, there stands an Islamic perspective that is based on the revelation from god as it is reflected in the Holy Qur'an. This attitude has a respectful look at the environment. In Islamic resources there is a god-centered belief that regards the environment as an object of protection in the hands of the believers. The Islamic approach prohibits any damage to the nature.


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