Protection of the Children’s Right to Health In Armed Conflicts; From the Perspective of Islam and International Humanitarian Law

Document Type : Academicm and Research



Because of their capacity and elegance, children are the most vulnerable members of the society, So, they need to especial support. This vulnerability is felt more seriously during armed conflicts that causes perdition, exploitation and abuse of children such as sexual violence against girls, which include violation of their natural rights and human dignity; therefore, they are exposed to some physical and mental disasters. According to the valuable Islamic thoughts and stipulates of the international humanitarian law, the child has the right to be secured his health in a proper manner, under all circumstances, as a perfect human being (whether Muslim or non-Muslim), with disregard to geographic boundaries, language, race, etc. In this descriptive - analytical and comparative study, according to the legal system of Islam and the rules and regulations of  the international humanitarian law, after reviewing the foundations of the right to health of child, effects of armed conflicts on children's health of the victim and involved, and the mechanisms of securing this right, at any case this result has been achieved that the members of  human society, national and international institutions and governments should prevent violence against children in armed conflicts, according to their power and possibilities. In addition, according to Islamic humanitarian law, those who caused harm to the children's health, should be prosecuted and punished as war criminals; While international humanitarian law does not contain any proper sanction, in case of violation of the right to health


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