Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Islamic Azad University, Branch of Khorram Abad

2 Faculty Member at Payam-e-Nour University Branch of Ramshir


One of the essential needs of human societies in contemporary era is the appropriate exploitation of land and its attachments. "Space" and "place" have always been the subject of challenge in Islamic jurisprudence and contemporary legal systems. In spite of the acceptance of subordinate ownership, its domain is controversial and has been followed by conflict in private and public rights. The elder Jurists consider exclusivity, absoluteness and permanency to be the fundamental characteristics of property rights. Accordingly, they have claimed a consensus on the boundless territory of space and the owner of the land is the owner of its space from above the ground to vacuum of space, and under the ground to the depths of the land. Many legal systems, influenced by this point of view, have enacted and codified rules and regulations.  However, the needs of industrial societies and the expansion of urbanization and the necessity of urban development, such as the construction of subways and underground tunnels, the necessary drilling to access energy resources and the transmission of power transmission networks and monorail lines and aerial transit has led to more intense conflict in and interference with public and private rights. In this regard, despite the numerous views and opinions as to the negation of ownership, restriction in ownership and common manipulation of space and place, Imam Khomeini as one of the prominent jurisprudents who has accepted guardianship and governance simultaneously, has declared the subordination of land and air to personal lands to the extent of customary needs and possession of the surplus to "public property", and has brought about the combination of the two rights.


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