Foundations of Open Source Legal Approach in International Human Rights Instruments and Assessment of Their Reliability in Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Law of Iranian

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom.

2 Ph. D. Candidate in Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom.


Open source legal approach means to provide access to formula of innovation production, innovational information and other required means in innovation for other persons and specifically other innovators. This is for planning the assessment and promotion of the aforementioned innovation and facilitation and expedition of other innovations based on the acquired knowledge from the innovation concerned. Freedom of thought and freedom of expression, freedom of information, freedom of communication and right to development are reliable human rights foundations for open source legal approach. In accordance with the results of the present article, considering the emphasis on and promotion of principles and components of this approach in the aforementioned bases, all of them are reliable as to securing and ensuring free access to formula of innovation production and other needed means in the innovation. Based on the outcomes of this article, not only all of the aforementioned foundations are compatible with Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Iranian Law, but also they are emphasized in both of them. This proves the applicability of the open source legal in Iranian written law, in line with intellectual property law, in case of necessity.


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