Document Type : Academicm and Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Tehran, Farabi College.


On the one hand, the ever-growing difficulties caused by the increasing number of legal cases presented at courts, coupled with a shortage of qualified legal experts to efficiently and effectively handle these cases, and on the other hand, the large number of young graduates from Law Schools, present us with an opportunity to solve a substantial portion of our legal system problems using the potentials existing in this new generation of Law Practitioners. However, to make use of this potential, there is a need for change in the curriculum of Law Schools to meet the training needs and provisions for apprenticeship programs in the Jurisdiction System. “Law Clerks”, as a strategy to improve knowledge and skills, has a long standing in other legal systems. Young Law Practitioners in France attempting to begin their careers as lawyers, judges or employment in governmental companies, look back at their Law Clerk apprenticeship as one of the most instructive period in their professional life. In the present article, we will discuss the implementation of this concept in France, efforts made by Iranian judicial pioneers in this regard and courts’ and Law Schools’ approach toward this matter, in order to refresh our frame of mind toward Law Clerks. It is clear that defining roles and responsibilities of Law Clerks towards the court, judges and their legal and professional duties and obligations is a delicate matter and requires in-depth and detailed analysis to ensure the success of this scheme.


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