Fundamentals of the Philosophical Look at Nature in the West and Islam

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom


Among the most challenging interdisciplinary discussions in our era is the conversation about nature and philosophical foundations on the way to look at it that is discussed in the domain of environmental discourse.Various and sometimes crisis-making interventions in nature is rooted in the bases of the way of looking at nature. Some have a anthropocentric approach toward nature based on which nature is the enemy of human beings and must be defeated one way or another. Another view is based on this statement that the nature is divine trusts for us and should be treated with a lovely vision and be looked upon as a kind mother and interventions in its regard should be conducted trustworthily. These two views are of thousands of years' history and their expression in Judaism and Christianity based on which the current view in west is inspired, is the topic of the present article as the starting point of religious look in this regard. Briefly speaking, the Jewish view and the Christian view of the Roman branch are based on the defeating and forceful approach toward nature and the viewpoint of Christianity in the Greek branch and Islamic one are based on a loving and trustworthy approach as regards the nature and the environment.


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