Document Type : Academicm and Research


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kashan.



The exclusive application of the bilateral method to the Iran private international law entails some issues. In the stage of creating the right, this method determines the foreign law in areas where the jurisdiction of the substantive law of the court is well-established. In addition, this method does not justify the renvoi. The reasoning of the logical analogy of the method and the impossibility to adapt the rule to specific issues is problematic. In the stage of performing the right, the decision of the foreign court according to an unqualified law is not recognized under the rule of conflict resolution in Iran. These issues can be solved through using comparative law and by means of an analytic-descriptive method. In the stage of creating the right, conflict resolution rule must have a role by unilateral method so that applying overriding laws and the renvoi can be justifiable. In the stage of performing the right, the combination of unilateral methods and "recognition" brings the fact that merely a foreign court ruling in conflict with the overriding law of is not recognized in order to taking into account of other legal systems' solutions. In this case, the effect of the public order will be increased so that the national interests not to be sacrified in the altar of coordinating solutions.


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