A Comparative Study of the Basis of Civil Liability in Common Law and Iran’s Law with Special Consideration of Bailee’s Liability

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Tarbiat Modarres University

2 jPh. D Student in Private Law, Faculty of Law, Tarbiat Modarres University.



It appears according to writings in common law and domestic law that it’s impossible to consider a single base for civil liability and consequently bailee’s liability in all cases. Liability based on negligence, strict liability and objective liability are the concepts that have been explained when discussing the basis of liability. However, it seems that strict liability cannot be an independent base for civil liability and consequently bailee’s liability. Th liability based on negligence is rooted in the invocation of damages to the behavior of damage creator and in fact, the negligence is not the principle. On the contrary, the objective liability can have an independent basis for liability. Of course, mentioning these concepts, necessarily does not imply their existence in both said legal systems, but there is notable evidence that support the existence of a thought-provoking affiliation in the foundation of liability in these two systems. Practically, it can be said that, in terms of the efficiency in suppressing the bailee’s breach of duty, considering the objective liability and in most strict state, domestic law has accepted absolute liability and is more successful than common law.


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