Balance of the Interests of the Owner and the Buyer in the Unauthorized Transactions in Iranian Law and Imamiyah Jurisprudence by Comparison with Common Law System

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom.

2 Ph. D. Candidate in Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom



In Iranian Law and Imamiyah jurisprudence there is no strong support for the purchaser in good faith against the owner to the extent that if the transaction is concluded in the presence of the owner but he/she is silent, the transaction needs his/her consent (Article 249) and in this regard, no right is considered for the buyer. While in the Common Law system it is tried to make a balance between the interest of the buyer in good faith and interests of the owner. Therefore, the Common Law system ignores the nemo dat rule that protects the right to ownership of individuals and takes several exceptions in supporting the unauthorized buyer. It appears that Imamiyah jurisprudence has the capacity to make a balance between the interests of the buyer and ones of the owner. It appears that rules such as causation and deception can provide this possibility so that in some cases the owner can make the negligent owner responsible for damages beard by the buyer. Furthermore, invoking these two rules pave the way for changing in view and paying attention to affairs beyond preserving the ownership of individuals.


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