Examining the Challenges and Removing the Conflict of Electronic Procedure Rules in Iranian Legal System with a Comparative View to French Law

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 PhD. Candidate in Private Law ,Department of Law , Islamic Azad University ,Kish international Branch, Kish island , Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beshti University.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch.



Proper implementation of the law in order to establish justice is the concern of all legal systems and requires some changes in the course of procedure. Some changes, due to the increasing progress of new communication methods, in addition to providing a safe communication mainline between judicial authorities and judicial officers, will play a notable role in documentations recording and maintaining confidentiality of documents. Therefore, the encounter of the judiciary with electronic communications and the need to prepare the executive arrangements for this process of cooperation with the cooperation of e-service providers, both public and private, seems to be inevitable and essential. The Legislator, by enacting Article 175 and Section 9 of 2013 Criminal Procedure Code, prescribed the Electronic Procedure for the first time. In recent decade, the Judiciary has made its efforts paving the way and securing the necessary infrastructure by issuing numerous bylaws including the Bylaw on the Way to Use Computer and Telecommunication Systems. At the time, many of the procedure-related affairs are conducted electronically and the Judiciary’s Center for Statics and Information Technology and Information Center supervising subsidiary judicial offices is responsible for it. By exact investigation of the functioning of bodies responsible for electronic procedure, analyzing existing laws through examination of the infrastructure needed to create a system for e-proceedings, and identifying some problems including non-obligatoriness of using this type of procedure, the necessity to change the way for notification and electronic holding of proceedings inspired by French laws and providing appropriate solutions including the need to develop regulations and related instructions are among the goals of this article.


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