An Analysis of the Relationship Between Measures of Expediency in Law of Iran and the Public Interest in Western Law

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University.

2 PhD student in Public Law, AllamehAllameh Tabataba'i University.



The experiences of the early years of the Islamic Revolution led to the institutionalization of the "expediency" rule with the establishment of the Expediency Discernment Council in the structure of the legal system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. On the other hand, the concept of public interest has a longer history in the legal system of western countries. Given that the ultimate goal of governing and managing public affairs is to secure the public interest, and that these interests must be exercised by relying on public authority in society, the validity of this concept as well as expediency through their evaluation criteria is of paramount importance. In this study, while explaining the metrics of these two concepts, the relationship between them has been analyzed and it has been concluded that the model of measuring expediency based on the principles of Sharia introduces pragmatism along with spirituality, unlike the method of measuring public benefit that promotes pragmatism based on materialism. Accordingly, the method of measuring expediency has a more positive complexity than the method of measuring the public interest. Of course, the positive aspects such as the preeminence of reparation for the disproportionate burden imposed on the rightful owner as a result of recognizing the issue, can be seen in the method of measuring the public interest.


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