Religiosity as an Immunity-Right: Studying and Proving the Immunity-Right’s Dimension of Religiosity Through Using Islamic and Western Theories and Principles Within the Framework of Hofeld's Theory

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Assistant Professor, Imam Baqer University and Researcher in Mabna Research Center (Qom).



In recent decades, insulting and hurting religion and religious people has become commonplace and the human rights system has not provided any effective protection for them. Regardless of non-legal motives, the main reason for this is assuming religiosity as a liberty-right in the world human rights system. This has led to the preference of the fundamental right to freedom of expression over religious freedom and has made legal actions against offenders of religion and religious people difficult. Being analytical in terms of the goal, qualitative in terms of processing, and fundamental in terms of results, being conducted as a library research, the present study, through utilizing the Islamic and Western views, seeks to prove that religiosity is beyond liberty-right and is an immunity-right. According to findings of the research and on the basis of numerous philosophical and human rights theories and arguments, because of its proximity to spiritual property, the necessity of paying attention to the dual dimensions of human beings, the necessity of compensating spiritual harm, and the connection between religiosity and human identity, personality and dignity that are protected by human rights, religiosity is an immunity-right and thus must be protected by states and the international community.


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