A Comparative Study of Competitive Rules in Competition Laws of Iran and the European Union

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Professor, Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran.

2 Ph. D. Student in Public International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran.



According to the laws of Iran and the European Union, competition law can be briefly defined as a set of rules that regulate the relationship between traders and consumers, so as not to create monopoly or abuse of the dominant economic situation. Examining the laws and regulations of Iran and the European Union in the field of competition, it can be said that the common will of the legislator in Iran and the European Union is to enact competition law, combat monopoly and facilitate competition and prevent competition distortion. The purpose of writing this article is to study the rules of competition in the two legal systems of Iran and the European Union. With this explanation that competition law in Iran has a short history, while in the European Union, the issue of competition has been raised since its beginning and has been consolidated over time through the amendment of treaties and judicial procedure. It is worth noting that the establishment of competitive rules in Islamic jurisprudence as one of the sources of the Iranian legal system is precedented and, as the case may be, the competition rules in it are also mentioned. The research method in this article is based on library research and data analysis. In this article, the rules and regulations containing the rules of competition law in Iran and the European Union are enumerated, analyzed and examined in terms of similarities and differences, and finally, suggestions are made to address the challenges facing Iranian competition law.


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