Components of Satellite Broadcasting in International and Islamic Law

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Ph. D. in Public International Law, University and Seminary Instructor



Todays, satellite broadcasting has become one of the most important areas in international arena, so that global and regional satellite communications have overshadowed many communication activities and have experienced a new course of progress and path. The role and position of satellite television networks in the transmission of news and information is expanded that, on the one hand, has created a new type of communication in the world of media, and on the other hand, has transformed the traditional equations in this regard. Meanwhile, the cessation of satellite networks or the boycott of the media has deprived the audience of access to news and information, as well as political and cultural … views. Furthermore, unilateral boycott and cessation of satellite networks’ broadcasting is not compatible with legal principles and rules. The present research, through a descriptive-analytic method and a comparative study in sources and foundations of international law and Islamic law, has analyzed and examined the practical components of live broadcast content of satellite programs.


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