The Concept of Voidable Contracts under English, French, Iranian and Islamic Law

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran .

2 PhD Student in Private Law, Alborz College, University of Tehran.



One kind of contracts is voidable contract. This contract is generally divided into two groups. The first one which is the most important one is a contract that has been concluded validly but it can be invalidated and effectless by the court. In this case, avoidance is used in its precise meaning. The second one is a contract that can be avoided by one of the parties to the contract or a third party. Voidable contracts have been generally accepted in English and French law but some have claimed that a voidable contract in its precise meaning does not exist in Iranian law. In addition, the concept, scope, bases and effects of voidable contracts have not been clarified in Iranian law. In judicial decisions the concept of voidability has a more ambiguous position because the term ibtal (avoidance) has not been employed in its proper place and this fact shows that this concept is still unclear in the judicial decisions. This article, through a descriptive-analytic method, examines the concept of voidability in English, French and Iranian law as well as Islamic law and concludes that, in addition to English and French law, different kinds of voidable contracts with different effects exist in Iranian and Islamic law and it is necessity to deal with the bases of voidable contracts in which avoidance has been used in its precise meaning and has been referred to in certain Iranian statutes and in Islamic law.


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