A Comparative Study of the Case-Law Approaches to Interpretation and Application of the Doctrine of Strict Compliance in Letter of Credits

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Full Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom .

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University.



The Doctrine of Strict Compliance of Letters alongside the doctrine of independence of letter of credits is one of the doctrines governing letter of credits as one of the most significant modes of payment in international trade. There are different approaches regarding the concept of the doctrine of strict compliance in case-law of USA, UK, Italy, Germany and China. Two interpretative approaches in this regard are: reflective compliance approach and substantial compliance approach. However, the interpretative criteria of each court differ as to one of these two approaches. Regarding spelling and typographical errors, these two approaches may be expressed in six interpretative aspects. It seems that because of refusing of huge number of letters by the banks, the courts are moving toward substantial compliance approach. This movement is felt in the provisions of UCP 600 in which the prevailing attitude on the provisions is reduction of declaring the conflict of letters. The case law of Iranian judicial law is still doubtful in choosing one of these two approaches.


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