Studying the Theorical Foundations of Fraud on Law & Its Effects in Iran’s Private International Law and Imamiyah Jurisprudence

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law. University of Qom.



the question of H\hardship in a marriage that gives the power of divorce to a wife is one of the important issues in the private lives of families and a way to get rid of a wife from a difficult life she has with the husband. Since this is a problem with Iranian and non-Iranian families such as French ones, this article has dealt with the implications of the examples of marriage in the law of Iran and France. It is clear that in this area there are some similarities and some differences in the examples of the realization of hardship. Similar examples of hardship may include the abandonment of common life for a significant period of time, suffering from refractory diseases by the husband, misbehavior of the husband, and a decisive conviction the husband to be imprisoned. Different examples are non-payment of the family cost, infertility of the husband, remarriage of the husband, man's employment in jobs contrary to the interests of the family, and the continued use of psychotropic drugs in Iranian law, and committing adultery by one of the couples and lying for 6 years in physical separation, degradation and insulting by one of the couples or missing of one of them in French law.


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