Verifying the Tendency of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to Take an Introspective Approach Toward the Field of Human Rights

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Ph. D. in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran .

2 Full Professor, Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabaie University.



In the 21st century, a wide range of human rights systems and their institutions and regulatory bodies does not exclude any of their members from their supervisory jurisdiction in implementing their mechanisms in defense of human rights in order to prove their determination to protect human rights, usually by emphasizing an introverted approach. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as a regional institution, has shown a tendency toward designing minimal mechanisms for protection of human rights in Islamic states in recent years. The present article, through a descriptive-analytical method, while studying the general attitude of the Organization in the field of human rights, examines its inadequacies and weaknesses on monitoring the human rights situation in member states and the obstacles and challenges facing the recent tendency of the Organization to become a fixed practice. It appears that despite the primary positive assessment, the recent practice of the Organization in reacting to human rights violations and its limitation of the scope of this practice to a few number of states and its discriminative approach of not-reacting to the violation of human rights by other states reveal both the political bias of the Organization and inefficacy of the elements constituting the customary rule for fixation of this practice.


Main Subjects

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