A comparative approach to the institutions of appeal in favor of the law and Contrary to the Sharia approach in French and Iranian criminal law

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 PhD student of criminal lawl and criminology, Department of penal law and criminology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, Department of penal law and criminology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran,

3 Assistant professor, Department of penal law and criminology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran.


according to the article 477 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 2014(1392), the institution of retrial has been envisaged by the head of the judiciary as one of the extraordinary ways to challenge the votes, by recognizing the opposition of the vote to Sharia. The study of French criminal law also shows that the establishment of an appeal in favor of the law is somewhat similar to the institution mentioned in Iranian law. In the meantime, there are various challenges regarding the institution of  against the Shariat, including ambiguity in the criteria for acceptance and the direction of violation of the vote, the competence of the prescribing authority and the quality of its actions. Therefore, in this article, while comparative study of the two institutions, it is tried to identify the shortcomings in the light of conceptual explanation and review the relevant conditions in order to provide a solution to the relevant problems in terms of the desired standards of French law. Accordingly, the findings of this study, which have been obtained in a library and analytical manner, show that both institutions, in terms of the lack of time to submit a request, the ability to apply to all final votes and done through excellent judicial authorities are similar. However, the two establishments are different in terms of their underlying origin, the way they are handled, and the effects on the parties to the case. However, in view of the oversight mission of the Supreme Court, it can be argued that the institution of appeals in favor of the law, if changes are made in accordance with Iranian law, can be a desirable alternative to the institution of against the Shariat.


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