Use of Children in Armed Conflict in Southwest Asia and Its Criminalization in the Legal Systems of Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq in Comparison with International Documents

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Qom.



One of the most important harms of armed conflict, especially in the Southwest Asia region, is the recruitment of children into groups and the armed forces and their use in conflicts which is clearly shown by the actions of groups such as ISIS, the Taliban and the Saudi-led coalition of aggression in Yemen. Such a treatment of children constitutes a violation of the rights recognized for them in human rights and humanitarian law instruments, and the International Criminal Law has reaffirmed the necessity to punish the perpetrators. International instruments have required governments to criminalize the recruitment and use of children for armed conflict in order to guarantee their rights. Therefore, in the present study, the position of three legal systems in the region of Southwest Asia i.e. Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq in dealing with this issue has been studied through a descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the research indicate that these countries, inspired by international regulations and especially the statute of the International Criminal Court, have criminalized this field. Recruitment of children and the recruitment and use of children in armed conflicts are describe as a crime in Syrian law and laws of Afghanistan and Iraq respectively which has been identified as a war crime in Afghanistan and Iraq. Criminal regulations of Afghanistan and Syria have imposed penalties such as imprisonment and fines for this crime, but in Iraq so far no specific punishment has been determined in this regard, and contrary to the principle of legality of crime and punishment, the decision in this case is left to the judiciary.


Main Subjects

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  4. میرمحمدی، سیدمصطفی، 1387ش، «حمایت از کودکان در مخاصمات مسلحانه (رهیافت‌های حقوق بین‌الملل و حقوق اسلام)»، حقوق بشر، دوره 2، ش2.
  5. نصیر جواد، یسر، 2018م، جریمتی التجنید و الإغتصاب الواقعه علی الأطفال فی النزاعات المسلحه غیر الدولیه من قبل الکیانات غیر الدولیه، اطروحه للماجستیر، عَمان، جامعه الشرق الأوسط.
  6. Bloom, Mia, Horgan, John and Winter, Charlie (2016), "Depictions of Children and Youth in the Islamic State’s Martyrdom Propaganda, 2015-2016", CTC Sentinel, Vol. 9, Issue. 2.
  7. Chase, Anthony and Hamzawy, Amr (2013), Human Rights in the Arab World: Independent Voices, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  8. Convention on the Rights of the Child )1989(, Retrieved from <>.
  9. Dörmann, Knut (2003), Elements of War Crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  10. Drumbl, Mark A. and Barrett, Jastine C. (2019), Research Handbook on Child Soldiers, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  11. Henckaerts, Jean-Marie and Doswald-Beck, Louise (2009), Customary International Humanitarian Law: Rules, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  12. National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism [NCTV] & General Intelligence and Security Service [AIVD] (2017), The Children of ISIS: The indoctrination of minors in ISIS-held territory, Hague: The General Intelligence and Security Service In Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
  13. Nyamutata, Conrad (2020), "Young Terrorists or Child Soldiers? ISIS Children, International Law and Victimhood", Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol. 25, No. 2.
  14. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict )2000(, Retrieved from <>
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  20. Resolution 2 of 26th International Conference of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement )1995(, Retrieved from <>.
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  25. Tsagourias, Nicholas and Morrison, Alasdair (2018), International Humanitarian Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1stEd.
  26. Udombana, Nsongurua J. (2006), "War is Not Child's Play! International Law and the Prohibition of Children's Involvement in Armed Conflicts", Temple International & Comparative Law Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1.
  27. Vale, Gina (2018), Cubs in the Lions’ Den: Indoctrination and Recruitment of Children Within Islamic State Territory, London: ICSR publications.
  28. Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, Adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna )1993(, Retrieved from <>.
  29. Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention)1999(, Retrieved from <>.



Books and articles

  1. Javadpour, maryam (2017), "Protection of the Children’s Right to Health In Armed Conflicts; From the Perspective of Islam and International Humanitarian Law", Comparative Study on Islamic & Western Law, Vol.3, No. 4.
  2. Hubah, Abd al-Qadir Bashir (2020), The legal status of combatants in international humanitarian law: an analytical study, Amman, Dar Al-Thaqafa, 1st Edition.
  3. Rafeeq Saeed, Zana (2017), "The Crime of Recruiting Children in Armed Conflicts and Ways to Combat It", Legal and Political Studies, Vol.5, No. 9.
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  6. Bloom, Mia, Horgan, John and Winter, Charlie (2016), "Depictions of Children and Youth in the Islamic State’s Martyrdom Propaganda, 2015-2016", CTC Sentinel, Vol. 9, Issue. 2.
  7. Chase, Anthony and Hamzawy, Amr (2013), Human Rights in the Arab World: Independent Voices, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  8. Dörmann, Knut (2003), Elements of War Crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  9. Drumbl, Mark A. and Barrett, Jastine C. (2019), Research Handbook on Child Soldiers, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  10. Henckaerts, Jean-Marie and Doswald-Beck, Louise (2009), Customary International Humanitarian Law: Rules, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  11. National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism [NCTV] & General Intelligence and Security Service [AIVD] (2017), The Children of ISIS: The indoctrination of minors in ISIS-held territory, Hague: The General Intelligence and Security Service In Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
  12. Nyamutata, Conrad (2020), "Young Terrorists or Child Soldiers? ISIS Children, International Law and Victimhood", Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol. 25, No. 2.
  13. Triffterer, Otto and Ambos, Kai (2016), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, Munich: The C.H. Beck – Hart – Nomos, 3rdEd.
  14. Tsagourias, Nicholas and Morrison, Alasdair (2018), International Humanitarian Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1stEd.
  15. Udombana, Nsongurua J. (2006), "War is Not Child's Play! International Law and the Prohibition of Children's Involvement in Armed Conflicts", Temple International & Comparative Law Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1.
  16. Vale, Gina (2018), Cubs in the Lions’ Den: Indoctrination and Recruitment of Children Within Islamic State Territory, London: ICSR publications.


Statutes, Documents and Reports

  1. Law No. (11) Law adding a new article to the Penal Code regarding the involvement of children in hostilities [Syria], (2013), Retrieved from <>.
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  9. Report of the Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict in Afghanistan [S/2021/662], Retrieved from <>.
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