The Potentials of Public Interests Litigations in Restoring Public Rights; A Comparative Case Study

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran,

2 Ph.D. Student of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran.



Public interest includes affairs that are beneficial to the people en masse. Building on the the right of every individual to file lawsuits as well as non-governmental organizations to do so on behalf of the people, public interest litigations play an important role in fulfilling justice and actualizing the rights of the public which might have been disregarded due to poverty, disabilities, illiteracy, negligence, etc. Consistent with Art. 156 of the Iranian Constitution (hereinafter the Constitution), the Judiciary Branch is held accountable for maintaining justice in the society. Paragraph (2) of the Art. exclusively stipulates that the very task of restoring public rights- which itself precipitates the restoration of justice- is entrusted with this branch. The Guidelines on the Supervision and Pursuit of Public Rights- developed based on Art. 156 of the Constitution- has specifically made the prosecuting attorney liable for the restoration of public rights. However, it has not so far been fulfilled properly mainly due to the many onerous supervisory and judicial responsibilities the prosecuting attorney is entrusted with. It, therefore, behooves the Legislature to formally acknowledge public interest litigation and the potential it carries in restoring public rights- and in effect social justice. Recruiting a descriptive-analytical method, the researchers have examined the body of laws and regulations in the Iranian as well as some foreign legal systems. It is concluded that the right of the individuals in filing public interest lawsuits has not been identified in the Iranian legal system which, it is recommended, shall be reconsideredt.


Main Subjects

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