A Comparative Study of the Nature of the Prostitution Fostering in Iran and France 's law and Shias Jurisprudence

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 PhD Graduate, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of law, University of Qom.

2 Full Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of law, University of Qom.

3 MA in Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Electronic Learning, University of Qom.



Explaining the nature of the prostitution Fostering requires an awareness of the norms, values, behavioral, moral, and cultural principles that govern society. The fundamental question arising here is what the similarities and differences are between the legal systems of Iran and France with Shia 's jurisprudence in this regard? In the present study, based on descriptive-analytical method, the most important results are that in each of the mentioned legal systems, if prostitution is used in its specific meaning (sexual activity outside the framework of marital relations and marriage), none of the legal systems has not left it unanswered, because they have caused damage to the privacy of the family and the values that govern society. In a wider general sense, not only the Shia jurists, but also the Iranian legislature, under the influence of religious and moral teachings, is more sensitive towards moral and religious values moreover, reacts sharply to the opposition to these values. However, there is no sensitivity or conflict in this regard in the French legal system.


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