Honor Killings and a Comparative Study of its Representation in Western, Islamic and Iran Criminal Systems

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Bojnord

2 Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Malayer University



Honor killings are murders that committed in the context of family relationships. The victims of these murders are women and the perpetrators are men who commit murders claiming to defend their honor. The perpetrators' belief that committing honor killings is a proper response to the victims' mistakes. Therefore, it has caused the perpetrators of these murders not to feel remorse and to commit the murder in violent forms without resorting to concealment. Comparative studies show that in legal systems, various measures have been taken to reduce the number of such murders: while in Western systems such as Engalnd, America and Germany the focus is on reducing the scope of acceptance of cultural defense, in Islamic systems such as Pakistan and Jordan the elimination of mitigating are emphasized. In the Iran, in the absence of specific measures to deal with this type of murder, which results from its non-recognition in a separate category from general murder cases, the existing laws can be examined in facilitating, prescribing and passive plans in the occurrence of these murders. This article tries to use a descriptive-analytical method to deal with the different aspects of honor killings and to examine the approach of different legal systems to these murders with a comparative view of Iranian law.


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