Document Type : Academicm and Research



Mohammad Ali Haji Deh Abadi [1]
Fatemeh Behzadinia[2]
Saleh Esmaili[3]
As a result of technological development, each day new inventions are recorded and utilized in human societies. In the light of these technical developments and due to the emergence of new concepts of artificial intelligence, robotics has also entered a new phase in human beings' lives. Consequently, anticipation for the realization of a dream of an artificial intelligence has increased. The need to adopt rules and regulations to be used for this technical equipment, and to ensure safe grounding for them seems a necessity at this stage. Criminalization of violations of these rules can be justified for the protection of individuals against the effects of working with these tools, and for avoiding numerous hazards known to them in the industrial life. How can one place responsibility on or punish a robot that has inflicted irreversible damages on somebody or something? This article deals with the criminal liability of robots. These findings can be of use in the legislation of modern robotic technology.


  1. قرآن کریم

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