Document Type : Academicm and Research


University of Isfahan


Judicial acts and facts are the sources of legal relationships and responsibilities among human beings. An analysis of judicial nature and cause of the creation of the judicial acts and facts can prevent us from confusion in these concepts and in a similar fashion in the effects and judicial decisions related to them. The purpose of this article is to recognize and compare the nature and the cause of creation of judicial acts and facts in the Iranian and the French law. In a general sense, in the Iranian law, judicial acts have arbitrary characters, whereas judicial facts look real. However, in the French law, the judicial acts are subjective, whereas judicial facts are objective. In the Iranian law, the cause of judicial acts is an intention to perform an action, which is a sensual interplay, while in the French law, jurists believe that intention and consent are different entities, and that consent which is the cause of judicial acts has a sensual quality. Additionally, intention in the intentional judicial facts is a simple and material intention.


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