Right to Healthy Environment From the perspective of international human and Islamic law

Document Type : Academicm and Research



Nature has always been considered as the most important foundation of human life. As a result, respecting the environment has kept to be been significant in all period of man's history. Although respecting the environment has been a concern of contemporary international law, and as a result, it forms the branch of international environmental law, it has not been able to sufficiently protect the environment for the present and future generations. Consequently, this emerges the unity between environment and human rights. So the environmental rights as a new type of human rights instruments were formed in the framework of the third generation of human rights. From the point of view of Islam as a comprehensive religion, there is a strong connection between human beings and the environment. In Islamic teachings, man has an authority over the nature in order to reasonably benefit from it and to prevent it from degeneration. In Islam, as seen in the Quran, this right has been recognized and it is examined from several respects. Specifically, it teaches humanity to use the environment as an instance of divine blessings in which the rights of the future generations are observed.


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