The Convergence of Environmental Law and Human Rights; Whit an Attitude to Islamic Law

Document Type : Academicm and Research



    Describing the quality of relationship between human rights and environmental protection in international law is far from simplicity and clearness. Nevertheless, the connectionbetweenenvironmental law and human rights and environment’s influences on many rights of human beings are undeniable.Consistent or inconsistent understanding of human rights and environment, is very useful for identifying priorities in conflicts or overlaps of common areas between these two fields.But it could be argue that the Qur'an’s look to environment is completely distinguishable from other religions and legal systems.So as, human rights are limited on the ground that they are in conflict with the environment.Since the thinking andattention to environmentalare inferred in Quran verses and all the teachings of Islam,So the convergence of environmental law and human rights from an Islamic perspective is accepted.


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