Document Type : Academicm and Research


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In the Statute of International Criminal Tribunal Court for Rwanda, article 2, Paragraph 2 some other punishable acts related to genocide are mentioned. The clause D is about “Attempt to commit genocide”. The judicial precedence in this court shows that those who attempted without any physical element in their cases were punished just because of the existence of a mental element. This case is really similar to the TAJARRI concept in Islamic jurisprudence. Regardless of describing and comparing the notions of crime and sin, both “TAJARRI” and “attempt to commit genocide” are common in lack of the physical elements of the crime or sin. Here in this article we try to have a comparative study of these two concepts which is a totally new idea in legal and Jurisprudential literature, and will refer to the opinions and views of Foghaha(Muslim Jurists) and to the documents and practice of the international criminal courts. According to the international law, Genocide is the worst crime in humanity and there is a subtle similarity between attempt to commit genocide and TAJARRI.The concept of TAJARRI in Islamic jurisprudence can be used to clarify some uncertainties in international law.


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اسناد بین­المللی
33-   Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the united Nation.
34-  Charter of the international military tribund, Annexed to Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminads of the European Axis (adopted & August 1945)
35-   Criminal code Act 1995 (Australia) S 5.2 (1)
36-   Charter of the international military Tribunal for the far East (adapted 19 January 1946 amended 26 April 1946) TIAS 1589, 4 Bevens 20 (Tokyo Charter)
37-   Control Council Law No 10: Punishment of persons Guilty of war crimes, crimes against peace and Against Humanity (adopted 10 December 1945) in official Gazette of the control council for Germany, No. 3, Berlin, 31 January 1946, 50-5 (Control council Law No. 10)
38-   ICC Elements of crimes, Article 8 (2) (b) (XXV), Element 1.
39-   Initial Indictment, July 24, 1995 and Rule 61 Decision of 1996.
40-  International Law commission, Draft code of crimes against the peace and security of Mankind with commentaries' in Report of the international Law commission to the General Assembly on the work of its forty-eighth session' (6 May 26 July 1996) UN Doc A/51/10
41-   Prosecutor V. stakic' (judgment) II-97-24-T, T chII (31 July 2003)
42-   Prosecutor V Lubounga Dyilo (confirmation Decision) ICC/01/04-01/06, PT ch I (29 January 2007) at fn 438 (lubauga Confirmation)
43-   Prosecutor V. Tadic', IT-94-1-1. Inttial indictment (February 13, 1995)
44-   Prosecutor V. Karadzic and Mladic (case No. IT-95-5, IT-95-5-R 61, IT-95– 18-R61)
45-   Statute of the International criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, adopted 25 May 1993, annexed to UNSC Res 827 (25 May 1993) UN Doc S/RES/827 (ICTY Statute); Statute of the international criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, adopted & November 1994, annexed to UNSC RES 955 (8 November 1999) UN Doc S/RES/955 (ICTR Statute)
46-   US Model Penal code 8 2.02(2) (a) (i).
47- US Model Penal code 8 2.02 (2) (a) (i)
48- US Model penal code 8 2.02 (2) (b) (ii)