An Extension in the Concept and Types of Property in the Cyberspace (A Comparative Study On the Proprietary Worth of Computer Data in Islam, Iran and Common Law)

Document Type : Academicm and Research



The increasing use of the Internet in human societies and the emergence and evolution of the term "virtual property" in the field of e-commerce has necessitated a review of the concept of property and the criteria of proprietary worth in things. This necessity arises wherever the place of formation (cyberspace) and the composing elements (computer data) of the virtual property are non-physical and intangible and all relation and interactions of individuals and legal persons are based on electronic “data” interchanges. The present paper tries to show the proprietary worth of computer data based on two “objects-centered” and “relationship-based” approaches in the identification of the economic or financial value of material and non-material objects and to  offer a revision and comparison of the traditional and new criteria for the economic value of things in Islamic, Iranian and Common law. It also aims to analyze the expansion of the concept of property by introducing a new kind of property under the title "virtual property".


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